Proud to Be Union 1" Button
Communist / Hammer and Sickle 1" Button (Yellow on Red)
Socialism or Barbarism! 1" Button (Yellow on Red)
All Power To The Soviets! 1" Button (Yellow on Red)
Capitalism Kills 1" Button (White on Black)
Workers of the World Unite! 1" Button (Red and White on Black)
Cuban Flag 1" Button
Red Star on Black 1" Button
Nobody Knows I'm a Communist Bumper Sticker
Strike - Just Do it! Sticker
Commie Inside Sticker
Emiliano Zapata Sticker
K-Marx Sticker
Lenin "Brand" Sticker
Small Red Star Hat/Lapel Pin
Red on Black Hammer and Sickle Sticker
Yellow on Red Hammer and Sickle Sticker
Red on White CCCP Sticker
Black on White "Capitalism is Dangerous to Your Health" Sticker
Capitalism Bad / Socialism Good Bumper Sticker
Mother Jones Sticker
Joe Hill "Don't Mourn for Me... Organize!" Sticker
Trotsky: Just Say "No!" to Capitalism Sticker
"Got Marx?" Sticker
Eugene Debs Sticker
Black on White "Organize!" Fish Sticker
Red Star on Black Sticker
Socialist Appeal / IMT Pin