A Manifesto for America's Communist Generation
The Revolutionary Communists of America is a new political party for America’s communist generation. Comrades of the RCA from across the United States will gather in Philadelphia for the Founding Congress of the Party on July 27–28.
The first and second documents in this booklet, the Manifesto of the RCA and the Fighting Program, were drafted by the Central Committee of the RCA and will constitute the founding documents. They have been submitted for discussion in all Party cells in the lead up to the Congress, where they will be voted on for final adoption.
If you would like to be part of these discussions and attend the RCA Founding Congress, apply to join one of your local RCA cells, or to start building a new cell in your area.
The RCA is the US section of the Revolutionary Communist International. which is active in the fight to overthrow capitalism in over 40 countries worldwide. The third document in this booklet is its manifesto.
You can be personally involved in the founding of the RCI! The whole conference will be streamed online, so you can watch at home or with other comrades in one of the many watch parties planned around the globe.
55 pages.
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